
Note Viewer

Shooter 2014


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/11/2014

  • 6 hours

  • Parkland Shop

  • Kavi N.

Work Completed

Finished calculations for acceleration and force for our catapault arm design (calculations and numbers can be found in the document in the Shooter folder titled 'MASTER Shooter Mathematics'. Then, we began to design a prototype made out of wood and pvc pipe to act as the the launcher, using a piston. Dimensions for this model will be in the physical Shooter notebook on page 2 and 3. We went to the hardware store and Mr. Peterson's house to get hinges for our prototype, and other mounting devices for the piston to the wood that we used. Our prototype isn't finished yet, but as soon as we mount the part of the piston that actuates to a hinge connected to our board that is on the catapult, then we can hook up the pneumatics and test it.


We are trying to make the ball leave the catapult at 30 ft/s, and we don't know if our prototype will work. However, according to the designs, everything is set up correctly so we just have to test it.

Work for Next Meeting

Mount the end of the piston to the catapult on a hinge, hook up pneumatics, and begin testing.

On Schedule?

We are not very behind on the schedule, making a lot of progress on our prototype, and I believe that we can finish it by Wednesday.