
Note Viewer

Shooter 2014


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/28/2014

  • 3 hours

  • Parkland Shop

  • Will A.

Work Completed

Created a list of parts that we needed to CAD and machine, as well as parts that we didn't have to, for our shooter. Worked on using a new latching mechanism that uses springs to move up and down to release or secure the shooter arm. This mechanism worked pretty well to hold the arm, but the current shooter still doesn't shoot very well due to the small angle of swing.

Work for Next Meeting

Need to find a new way to crank the arm back without using pistons, since they allow no follow-through. Also need to mount onto the more accurate, smaller prototype.

On Schedule?

We're behind on the schedule, it says that we should have the finished assembly done by now, but we still need to order a few of the metal parts and build them. We also still have a bit of designing work to do to crank the arm back.