
Note Viewer

Shooter 2014


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/13/2014

  • 3 hours

  • Parkland Shop

  • Joaqui'n M.



Work Completed

Today we cut, drilled, and mounted the rails onto the robot, kavi began to make the ramp leading to said rails out of our swagtastical, shiny, orange anodized aluminum. This will be mounted to the aforementioned rails by way of rivets. Joaquin worked with the shooter and that is when all hell broke loose. One side of one of the hubs for the kicker was completely and utterly rekt and is unusable, after viewing it for only a few seconds most mentors were left speechless by this rekage. we removed the shooter arm only to find that the matching shaft was also equally rekt. The keyway had been ripped open, once again leaving said mentors speechless. Then the gearboxes came loose and fell down. After this we took off all the gearboxes and are currently at a loss for how to fix this in time for Peoria. As of now there will be no shooter on the robot in Peoria and we will probably be the most pathetic team there.


the rekage cannot be overcome

Work for Next Meeting

No one will be there except Jay, so not much can be accomplished. Try if at all possible to fix this shooter.

On Schedule?

we are now behind schedule