
Note Viewer

Electrical 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/5/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Nolan P.


Below? vvvv

Work Completed

Wired up the old 2014 bot with new RoboRIO with a gyro and ready to drive, catelogued and unpacked new kit materials, started installing new LabVIEW code programs, and placed stickers on drive station.


Had to clean up old bot a lot  and disconnect wires to remove the old cRIO and do a brain transplant.

Work for Next Meeting

Make sure new LabVIEW is done being installed, flash the RoboRIO and start coding the gyro to correct unbalances in the mechanum strafing.

On Schedule?

Yes, if not ahead. Need to finish this project by Wednesday though.