
Note Viewer

Lifter 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/5/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Joaqui'n M.


Today we started to flesh out some ideas for the "lifting" mechanism. We drew rough sketches of both systems which can be found. along with the other stuff we did in the "computer 5" noteboook under the lifter section. We began the meeting with two ideas: a winch and pulley system or a worm gear system. After examining the pros and cons of both systems we decided to proceed with the winch and pulley system. We began to assemble a scratch BOM based on the materials we thought we would need (cable, pulley, etc). Then we brainstormed a way to slide the "clamp" mechanism up and down the robot using a system of rails. We decided to go with special 80/20 rollers after learning that the other options wouldn't be as structurally sound/supportive. We were in the middle of the process of looking for the rollers, so they do not appear on the scratch BOM.

side note: the cables that we ordered are orange! and the rollers could possibly be blue! :D

Work Completed

  • Fleshed out ideas
  • rough sketches
  • decision for final system
  • began scratch BOM
  • looked into rails and sliding systems


We realized that our original winch design would have separate motors which is problematic. We brainstormed different ways to run the winch from the smae motor system/gearbox. We have speculated that Lyle's shifting gearboxes that he ordered for his earlier drive train could be used for this but we need to confirm that and map out the system in more detail. Also we need to flesh out the rail system in more detail and see if we can find the special 80/20 rollers any cheaper than ~$90 a piece (ouch).  

Work for Next Meeting

Continue to flesh out rail system and add any new parts to BOM which is in the lifter folder under the 2014-2015 system on drive. Either add the expensive rollers to the BOM or find cheaper ones. Map out the winch system and figure out if Lyle's gearboxes will even work or if we need a new plan for this. Lyle has also requested that our rails system be able to drop the clamps all the way to the bottom of the drivetrain/frame.

On Schedule?

We are ahead of schedule :)