
Note Viewer

Electrical 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/8/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Nolan P.



Work Completed

Looked over BOM and discussed if we needed any more electrical components for the 2 robots we are building. Tried to implement the gyro to correct the mechanum strafing. Didn't work and messed up the drivetrain entirely. Wrote some code for the gyro to correct strafing, but found a built in way of doing it. After using that all of our driving was wrong.


While working with the gyro code we messed up the PWM inputs for the drive motors and all of our drivetrain directions were wrong. 

Work for Next Meeting

Continue testing with the drivetrain code. Perfect the mechanum drivetrain without any gyro assist and then implement the gyro to help with some small corrections.

On Schedule?

Not anymore. Need to have a perfect drivetrain tomorrow with the gyro helping, or we could fall behind on the new robot work.