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Drivetrain 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/8/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Stronghold

  • Mikhail S.


Lyle needs to make sure that he saves his CADed design file to both the computer at robotics and to drive so that other students could work on it afterwards if Lyle does not come to the meeting.

Work Completed

Lyle took the files that he CADed during his snow days and started assembling the seperate parts. He took the terribly CADed AndyMark file for the RAW box and started adding the plates that he designed. After creating seperate plate and gearbox modules for each end of the robot, he started placing the gearboxes on the robot frame that he created outside of the meeting. He then started constraining all the holes on the robot so that all the parts fit together. This allows the team to realize how much space each of the subteams has to build their own parts. 


Mikhail continued working on the Scratch BOM, adding nuts and bolts to the budget. Nice black bolts were selected to stand out on the silver colored machined aluminum. We checked that the budget seems to be fine at the moment based off of the BOM we currently have.


Lyle's main problem was that Creo Plebemetric was not responding to his screams. After 3 hours of pure torture, Lyle was not able to force the holes on his amazing CADed design to line up. For some weird reasons, from certain angles the holes seemed to not line up, which is a major problem if the holes aren't straight through the plates. In addition, he had general Creo problems including screwed up file systems and gearboxes that weren't regenerating. Lyle successfully gave up on Creo and left it to the next day.

Work for Next Meeting

All the sharp corners on the robot need to be rounded using a 0.125" round size. This ensures that our robot has no sharp corners that might be considered potentially dangerous and not pass inspection. 

On Schedule?

We are extremely on schedule. We are set to be ready to have a completely CADed drivetrain by the end of Saturday.