
Note Viewer

Electrical 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/13/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Nolan P.

Work Completed

Perfected drivetrain code because we had put several wires in the wrong inputs and just corrected it with inverting things. We started the gyro code implementation and found that to store variables and values you can use global variables. We found a nice pdf that showed the implementation of the mechanum drivetrain and gyro code. We started gyro code according to the pdf and figured out how to do it more efficently than before.


Had some trouble finding certain modules and things we needed to use in the LabVIEW libraries. Also, global variables, besides being helpful proposed some problems with connections, and it was confusing.

Work for Next Meeting

Finish the implementation of gyro code into the drivetrain.

On Schedule?

We are on the verge of being on schedule but should get the rest of the gyro code done.