
Note Viewer

Lifter 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/15/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Martin G.





Nah son, we gud.

Since I feel like this lacks substance in comparison to the last notes I wrote, I'll add a motivational quote from the legendary Forrest Gump:

"Life is like a box of chocolates, it's tasty at first, but then gives you diabetes."




B u dont want the diaB

Work Completed

Today, without our beloved leader, Joaquin Malique, we were left out in the wild to fend for ourselves. However, we were quite successful in our survival efforts. Our goal for the day was to finalize the pulley mount system, as well as create the roof for the whole prototype, attach the cross beams to the pillars, and combine the whole thing together. We ALMOST completed all of this. For starters, the cross beams were relatively simple. We drilled holes wide enough for the axles that correspond to the black pulley wheels, and inserted this screw/elongated shaft thing through both opposite holes on the cross beams. With the help of two spcers on either side, and a bolt on the end point, we were able to successfully attach the pulley wheels, and ensure that they spun freely. After this, we begun our search for any form of metallic beam that could be placed at the back of the robots, taking the place of the eventual back plate, that would be able to support the weight of the roof. After a fair amount of unsuccessful searching through the supply rooms, we decided to use wood and jigsaw it into pillars. Once the wood was cut, we drilled two holes in the back of the robot base, and then screwed two long, wood screws into the wood pillars. The pillars are encased in ducktape for obvious aesthetic appeal and protection against pesky splinters. As for the roof, we figured out the correct dimensions, and with the help of Isandro and Singer, drew, and cut the shape necessary. We still need two smaller indentations to be made on either side to accomodate for the pulleys, but that will be taken care of tomorrow.

Additionally, the clamp team attached some stuff onto our robot. It seemed as though they made a fair amount fo progress as well.


The crappy wood we were initially given for the roof, as the name suggests, was utter poop. Halfway through cutting it it snapped right in half, kinda like when you drop your laptop down 11 flights of stairs and it lands, on the hinges, on a banister. *crack*

Aside from that, not much else. 

Work for Next Meeting

HOles for the pulleys in the roof

Attach dat thang with some woods screws, and then figure out how we're fixing the roof to the towers

Attach white pulleys to the back of the robot, as well as potentially the third set. 

decide which pulleys we're gonna get, and purchase them

finish CADing with Jayseph the master


On Schedule?

Back on it, I'd like to think.