
Note Viewer

Drivetrain 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/17/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Lyle R.


Lifter needs the most work at this point, so we can help them out. Cole supposedly has the gearboxes, but he will only be coming on Monday. We can assemble the gearboxes at that point.

Work Completed

We colored the various components fo the drivetrain to make things more visible. We assembled the wheels, bearings, hubs and sandwich plate. Lyle finished the top plate's lightening holes at home last night, so those are done. Lightening holes for the back side of the bot were made. They were not rounded. We learned that the rivets we ordered work to fasten 2 sheets of metal, but they stick out. With 3 sheets of metal, the rivets fit perfectly. We added some smaller rivets to our BOM that we will use to fasten 2 plates to each other. Lyle helped Joaquin with the arrangement of the battery and the gearbox and pulleys. He also helped Jay with the bends in the back plate.


We have still not heard back from Wager about his friend coming in to help us with our bend problems.

Work for Next Meeting

Round the back plate and design the bottom lighteningholes. These will then need to be rounded. Lyle will probably take care of these at home. We will then work with Jay to make sure his plates fit on ours and assemble the towers on the drivetrain. We will then analyze whether everything will work and hopefully we can start making engineering drawings on Monday.

On Schedule?

We are on schedule. CAD will be done by tomorrow's meeting