
Note Viewer

Grabber 2015


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/21/2015

  • 3 hours

  • Home Shop

  • Isandro M.

Work Completed

Our group mainly focused on the prototype. We successfuly mounted two metal sheets to one of the lifter towers and we were working on the second. We chose the c channel witht eh correct correpsonding holes and drilled any holes in the sheets that needed to be drilled. One side of the tower slides up and down functioning well (when attached to the pulleys).


Finding the right sheets of metal (finding the correct size as well as the holes drilled). It took our team a bit of time to drill the needed holes sometimes re-drilling holes that needed to be wider. We realized halfway through that we needed longer screws which was a minor setback but we switched fairly easily.

Work for Next Meeting

Continue prototyping. Specifically the second tower (attaching the two opposite sheets of metal). If we finish that we can move on to attaching the 8020 to these sheets and finally attach those support 8020 beams to the piston itself.

On Schedule?
