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FIRST STRONGHOLD Drivetrain 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/12/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Mikhail S.

Work Completed

We finished our design efforts and decided that the best of both worlds is a "decameca" (name subject to change), that is a 6 wheel drop center tank that shifts to a 4 wheel mecanum. All wheels are 8". We decided that we don't need as much clearance as previously thought, but needed to make sure that there is no hole in the bottom of our robot. 6 wheel tank allows for easy traversal and the mecanum allows strafing.


The spacing is tight and there are a lot of belts on the drivetrain.

By moving to this type of drivetrain, we sacrifice our ball shifter, so to make our mecanum go faster than the tank we have to shift all the pulley sizes accordingly, which is a challenge to make them all work since some shafts are round and some are hex, limiting our choices of possible pulleys. 


Work for Next Meeting

Continue working on the drivetrain, figuring out integration and how much space everything will take up. 

Currently the length is 26" and the width of one side is 10" with no determined height yet, so we need to figure out exact dimensions. 

On Schedule?

We are doing great as we have already started cadding a design and know very well where we're going with it.