
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sarah H.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/13/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Kyle G.



Work Completed

  • We messed around with the GRIP software to find the optimal filters. This includes Hue 0-97, Saturation 37-255, Lumminance 25-201, Min Area 10, Min Perimeter 0, Min Width 13, Max Width 1000, Min Height 0, Max Height 1000
  • We fixed the bug on the SYRA website, and worked on restating the SYRA curriculum.
  • Nolan made a PWM wire for the gyro sensor.
  • Adam bought parts which included 1 RoboRIO, 2 open mesh radios, 1 Jetson TK1, and 1 Archer wireless router. 


We will continue to work with the grip software to eliminate the extra lines around the box. Get better images to work with.

Work for Next Meeting

Thomas, Nolan and Adam probably out until Saturday.  There's lots electrical students can do:

  • Gyro on Short-E is wired now.  Try to get it working with Python code.  Docs for gyro class are here.  Might be as easy as this
    self.gyro = wpilib.Gyro(0)
    angle = self.gyro.getAngle()
  • Get the accelerometer working with Python code.  Same as gyro task above, but using the accelerometer that's built into the RoboRio.  We've also never done this.  robotpy docs for that class are here.
  • Get one of the USB cameras working when plugged into the RoboRio.  I'm not sure offhand if special drivers are needed, or if it just works.  We've never done that before, only used the Axis IP camera.  If we get a camera responding from the RoboRio and showing up on the DS, then we can try getting GRIP on the RoboRio (.jar version of it I expect) and see if it can use the camera.  The camera & GRIP will move to the Jetson once that arrives, but we might learn some things in the process.
  • Use the camera to create a better representation of tracking the reflection tape to work with on the GRIP software.
  • Help other students build field elements

On Schedule?
