
Note Viewer

Shooter 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/15/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Maia V.

Work Completed

Tested the prototype, decided on 3 parameters: rail, angle, and wheel size. Created a spreadsheet that marked height the ball reached and distance. However, did not finish testing. Concluded that a bigger wheel is better than a smaller one.


Constantly made mistakes because of human error (holding the prototype steady and keep angle accurate). Also began testing with prototype on the table before realizing it would have to be measured from ground level. Hard to find an efficent way to do all the tests. Couldn't measure height that accuratly (had to eyeball it using Evan's+table/ladder height Also, sim mount needs to change because it bends the shaft when the ball is shot. Also wheel is off center and needs to be locked in place.

Work for Next Meeting

Check challenges. Do more testing, design feeder and send out parts for feeder, design new shooter prototype.

On Schedule?

Yes, we are ahead of schedule