
Note Viewer

Shooter 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/16/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Joaqui'n M.

Work Completed

Today we split into two projects: shooter prototype improvements and feeder prototype.

The improvement team shifted the rails so that we could fit a 6" wheel and then hard mounted the prototype at a fixed angle at about 55 degrees.

After testing we boosted the angle to 75 degrees and then we managed to hit ~40 shots in a row!!!!

The feeder subsubteam made a design and began building a rough prototype while Lyle and I CADed some parts to make a refined prototype next week.


Not a ton of challenges today.

Limited attendance, but it was enough to keep everything going smoothly.

Work for Next Meeting

Begin the design of new shooter prototype/final design.

Order any other parts we need.

Finish up the rough feeder and test in preparation for the refined feeded.

On Schedule?

SO ahead