
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Adam P.

  • 1/21/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.

Work Completed

  • Preliminary testing on the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor at different distances.
  • Got contact switch working with Python robot code
  • Put the ethernet cable in the ceiling. Installed the router.
  • Raspberry pi stuff. Put it in the PREMIUM case. Isaac is working on insalling Linux to the Raspberry Pi.
  • Installed touch sensors. Wired the sensor ("Made Cables")
  • Nolan learned important things with the RGB LEDs. plugged them in correctly so that the lights actually turn on.
  • Fix connectivity issues
  • Nolan learned about sarcasm "I read a whole article and barely understood it"
  • Teach Thomas how to use actual bullets feature in this edit window


First port in DIO on the roborio does not work.

Battery button was being a jerk.


Work for Next Meeting

  • Prep Short-E and Fris-B for FLL demo tomorrow.
    • Comment-out any sensor testing code we've put in since last demo.
    • Test all features on both
    • Make sure "RT Startup App" is turned back on for Short-E.  Adam will email/message instructions for that
  • Talk to mecanical about having a encoder on their shooter [is this done?]
  • Help with making field elements
  • Upgrade Short-E to lastest robotpy
  • Upgrade DS to latest pyfrc
  • Upgrade to latest GRIP that was just released
  • Get Aisha added to Electrical FB group, if she wants
  • Finish spinning up both new DS laptops [Adam]
  • Keep trying to get GRIP ARM build to work on Jetson [Adam]
  • What do below italics items mean? -AP
  • Work on RGB LEDs
  • Document what we have done for the Ultrasonic and Touch sensor.

On Schedule?

"Fine" -Thomas