
Note Viewer

Shooter 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/21/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Joaqui'n M.


Rahi M.

Jan O.

Work Completed

Jan, Rahi, Omeed, and Isandro worked with Mateus to continue rebuilding the prototype using the smaller rails presented in Lyle's New design.

Once completed, we did some testing with the prototype.

Testing results:

14 ft had nearly 100% consistency 

18 ft was our maximum range that we were able to shoot in the shop without destroying the ceiling.

The angle we measured was approximately 65 degrees.

The testing was very successful and has proved that our new design will work.


The prototype was very jank and was falling apart constantly during testing. As a result the measured angle and distances can only be rough estimates and lack proper accuracy.


Work for Next Meeting

Figure out how to mount Darts and other actuation systems to Feeder/Shooter

Begin final designs of feeder/shooter

Evaluate BOM since we are already getting close to the limit.

On Schedule?
