
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sarah H.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/25/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.

Work Completed

  • Found the IP address of the camera
  • Fixed the drawer in the electrical station
  • Worked on Field Pieces
  • Put the reflective tape on the tower
  • Got mjpeg-streamer compiled and running on the Pi.  Took some work to get GRIP to find and use the stream, succeeded at 9:29 PM
  • In parallel, got the Axis IP camera working with GRIP on the laptop.  Axis is our new Plan B.
  • GRIP still tosses error because it can't find a NetworkTables server, but that should be remedied by hooking things up to the robot.



-Have trouble GRIPing.

-Faulty information about the voltage needed to run the camera


Work for Next Meeting

  • Continue on GRIP + RPi efforts.  Get Pi + camera connected to robot, see if robot code can get GRIP's values off NetworkTables.
  • Help with making field elements
  • Upgrade Short-E to lastest robotpy
  • Upgrade DS to latest pyfrc
  • Upgrade to latest GRIP that was just released
  • Finish spinning up both new DS laptops [Adam]
  • Keep trying to get GRIP ARM build to work on Jetson [Adam]
  • Work on wiring of RGB LEDs
  • Add the sensors back and uncomment the code if the Demos are over.
    • BTW in the case of the ultrasonic and contact switch they are both in ports 3. (ultra in Analog IN, switch in DIO)
    • Do around 10 tests with the ultrasonic to get a large number of datapoints from different distances.

On Schedule?

"eh" -Thomas