
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sarah H.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/26/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Isaac F.

Work Completed

Got wifi working on Pi

  • streamed video from logitech webcam to isaac's computer over wifi using mjpg-streamer


  • Logitech C920 camera now fully works through GRIP on the RPi2, connected to RoboRio via eithernet.  Robot code successfully pulls contour values from images via NetworkTables!
  • For mjpg-streamer on Pi:
    • mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so" -o "output_http.so -p 8080" (-b)
    • ^ streams to :8080/?action=stream
    • optional -b for background
    • if fails check to make sure ~/.bashrc is running
    • then run GRIP


  • made portable target with retroreflective tape
  • planned electrical parts with cad team
  • researched network tables
  • adam updated all the python libs and stuff for the robot
  • Sarah and Nolan found horizontal FOV of Logitech C920 camera (80 something degrees, what's exact number?)
  • Sarah and Nolan got LED ring mounted on camera



had issuse with netctl -> used wifi-menu

Work for Next Meeting

  • Give brief overview to team at meeting on plans for vision
  • Make power cable for LED ring, get it+camera on Short-E in some testable place
  • Find good settings for mjpg-streamer
  • Outline new robot code, using WPI commands style
  • Get second RPi spun up and tested with GRIP, mjpeg-streamer, etc. for practice bot
  • Check on spike supply and maybe order more
  • Look for velcro to buy thomas want various strengths/sizes
  • Help with making field elements
  • Finish spinning up both new DS laptops.  Just need to get Wing script and pyfrc updated on DS2 [Adam]
  • Work on wiring of RGB LEDs
  • Add the sensors back and uncomment the code if the Demos are over.
    • BTW in the case of the ultrasonic and contact switch they are both in ports 3. (ultra in Analog IN, switch in DIO)
    • Do around 10 tests with the ultrasonic to get a large number of datapoints from different distances.

On Schedule?

"more than the other teams" - Thomas