
Note Viewer

Climber 2K16


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/25/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Justin W.



Work Completed

Finished the prototyping climber when there is a point of contact on the tower. We tried routing the wired at many different points and effectively concluded the following. There can't be any point of contanct on the tower or else it becomes a point of rotation and it will rotate the robot and we are thus breaking the rule =/ (there is too much friction with the bumper and it just pivots around the wheel). When we "mounted" a winch in the back, the front of the robot would stay on the ground because of the bumper friction while the back would go up thus the robot will be dragged up with the top of the robot now facing the tower and parallel. When we mounted the winch to the front of the robot, the front would go up and this would also break game rules. The top would not be facing away from the wall and the robot will be parallel with the tower again. We concluded that the only play of mounting or routing that might actually work would be through the center of the robot but this is not possible since that would mean that the cable must go through the shooter. To make matters worse, we have to strafe the robot onto the batter since the robot is too fat and thus mount the climber facing sideways, making the climbing system more unstable than if would could mount the climber "normally". 



Finding a climbing system that would lift the robot evenly

under 10-15 pounds


Work for Next Meeting

Finding a climbing system that would lift the robot evenly

under 10-15 pounds

On Schedule?

meh, climber would still be doable if there is a desgin that is compatible