
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/4/2016

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.

Work Completed

  • Worked with smart dashboard
  • Found a possible way to monitor the pi CPU
    • Monitorix
      • http://www.monitorix.org/screenshots.html
  • Did some research on vision processing
    • https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/24194/l/288985-identifying-and-processing-the-targets
    • https://s3.amazonaws.com/screensteps_live/images/Wpilib/481750/1/rendered/9305c9ec-5f66-4948-9762-53d5be3d8dbb.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJRW37ULKKSXWY73Q&Expires=1454729736&Signature=BxZHYZhJSju527Ex6WLfAREuRkM%3D
  • Isaac learned how to write shell scripts
  • Isaac wrote some shell scripts on Alpha pi
    • they start mjpg-streamer and/or grip on login based on enviroment variables
  • Isaac wrote more scripts to easily set the variables for the forementioned scripts
  • Isaac also set the dns addresses of both pis to rpi2-4096-frc.local


-Isaac knew nothing about shell scripts before today

Work for Next Meeting

  • OPEN GITHUB AND SYNC, even if you're not sure you'll be modifying robot code.  When meeting is over, COMMIT then SYNC AGAIN.  Just do this every meeting.
  • Find best way to see/modify camera settings.  Play with brightness/exposure/etc. to get the best isolation of targets in imagebefore GRIP gets ahold of the stream.  Then adjust GRIP file to make the best use of that.
    • On some websites, they connect the video to the HSV filter twice so that there are two intervals for each. Might want to check this out.
  • Find way to measure cpu load on Pi.  If load looks agreeable with GRIP running full tilt, we can return Jetson.
  • Get GRIP file to deploy like robot code, from DS->Pi, likely via PSCP & upgrades to our fancyier Wing script
  • Get mjpeg-streamer & GRIP to run when robot code starts, die when disabled or match over
  • Find good settings for mjpg-streamer
    • keep optimizing
  • Outline new robot code, using WPI commands style
  • Get second RPi spun up and tested with GRIP, mjpeg-streamer, etc. for practice bot
  • Check on spike supply and maybe order more
  • Look for velcro to buy thomas want various strengths/sizes
  • Work on wiring of RGB LEDs
  • Look at Nolan's new and improved controls list

On Schedule?

"Stop it" -Thomas