
Note Viewer

Electrical 2016


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sarah H.

  • Adam P.

  • 2/7/2016

  • 6 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Adam P.


Chicken nuggets went missing.

Work Completed

  • Jay worked on BOM cables for uber scouting 
  • Adam got Short-E driving with commands code (eugene_x).  Siezes up when rotating sometimes, works other times, but might be due to low battery charge.  Ended trying to decide how to get compressor to turn on.
  • Adam fixed a loose crimp Thomas made on new robot.  How dare you Thomas.
  • Adam almost got the .grip file copying working during deploy from Wing.  It hits a permission denied error when copying to pi.  Some linux user permissions thing...  Isaac should look.
  • Kyle worked on schematics for new robot
  • Alexandre, Sarah - can fill in what they did here.


Feeder and shooter issues are worrisome.  We may be working out mechanical issues for awhile yet, leaving little time for code and vision iteration, controls, practice.

Work for Next Meeting

  • Fix deploy grip-copying permissions issue with pi.  Using WinSCP instead of pscp might be worth a shot.
  • OPEN GITHUB AND SYNC, even if you're not sure you'll be modifying robot code.  When meeting is over, COMMIT then SYNC AGAIN.  Just do this every meeting.
  • Find best way to see/modify camera settings.  Play with brightness/exposure/etc. to get the best isolation of targets in imagebefore GRIP gets ahold of the stream.  Then adjust GRIP file to make the best use of that.
    • On some websites, they connect the video to the HSV filter twice so that there are two intervals for each. Might want to check this out.
  • mjpeg-streamer & GRIP can now start when Pi boots, still need to SSH in and shutdown nicely when disabled or match over.
  • Find good settings for mjpg-streamer
    • keep optimizing
  • Outline new robot code, using WPI commands style
  • Get second RPi spun up and tested with GRIP, mjpeg-streamer, etc. for practice bot
  • Check on spike supply and maybe order more
  • Look for velcro to buy thomas want various strengths/sizes
  • Work on wiring of RGB LEDs
  • Look at Nolan's new and improved controls list

On Schedule?

Pretty close, yeah.