
Note Viewer

Electrical 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 1/13/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.


"I'm trying to be more like Thomas" -Isaac

"Germany is 6.2 billion dollars under budget. Their government made 6.2 billion dollars this year, compare that to the US..." Isaac

Work Completed

  • Isaac redownloaded the operating system on the rasperry pi
  • Spoke with Mike about vision processing
  • Got wheels to spin on the nonadrive
    • Drives forward or backwards no turning
  • Moved 40 amp fuses to correct locations
    • Adjectives to describe this task include: insightful, necessary, deductive


  • Did not realize that some breakers were misplaced in the power distribution board causing one victor to receive no power.
  • Forgot to check the SHA 1 sum on Isaac's download (raspberry pi)
  • Mechanical wanted to run the old robot's feeder for their own sick amusment (prototyping) but the old robot code on drivestation 1 was giving errors
  • Did not realize that there was a mismatch in the constants in the code
  • Low turnout
    • words and/or phrases to describe this: "dissapointing", "uninspiring", "how dare you have a social life", "have a nice weekend... you're fired"

Work for Next Meeting

  • Write the code for nonadrivE
    • Try and find a way to make the robot turn
      • Psudo code for turning:
        • Get X and Y from the Joystick, do whatever scaling and calibrating you need to do based on your hardware.
        • Invert X
        • Calculate R+L (Call it V): V =(100-ABS(X)) * (Y/100) + Y
        • Calculate R-L (Call it W): W= (100-ABS(Y)) * (X/100) + X
        • Calculate R: R = (V+W) /2
        • Calculate L: L= (V-W)/2
        • Do any scaling on R and L your hardware may require.
        • Send those values to your Robot.
        • Go back to 1.
        • SOURCE: http://home.kendra.com/mauser/Joystick.html
    • Start figuring out how we might manuver the robot during auto.
  • fix da pi
  • Put sensors (gyro/accelerometer?) on nonadrive


List from Mike (preventative measures):

  • Batteries
    • Battery Beak, logging and tracking internal resistance
      • Make a google spreadsheet to track battery data
      • Use computer to collect data/make a graph about voltage over time
    • Put meaningful labels on the batteries
    • Build load testing board
      • Resistors!
  • Power Distribution Panel
    • Can read voltage/current on every port
      • Could be used for diagnostics
  • Make a checklist
    • Learn how to read LED indicators on all components
    • Guidlines for checking wire integrity
    • Unit tests in robot code​
      • Check to see if sensors are working?
      • Motors running correctly
      • Battery has enough voltage
      • Check the pneumatic pressure as well as solenoids
    • Useful for prematch/prebagging​
    • Voltimeter between the various locations
  • Sensors
    • Range finders - analog IO -> RIO (code)
    • Touch sensor - digital IO -> RIO (code)
  • Checkout Code // Comptetion Code

On Schedule?
