
Note Viewer

Electrical 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/4/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.

Work Completed

  • Ate Jimmy Johns
  • Did a little more testing on the distance formula the camera uses
    • Figured it worked well enough for now.
  • In the "Calculate Distance" command, I added code to make the robot drive forward until it is within a certain distance of the target.
    • At around 2 feet from the target, the camera is no longer able to see the retroreflective tape and we lose values
      • The code checks distance in the "is finished" function
  • Created a command group named "drive to gear" (not a good name)
    • It repeats a four step process 10 times
      • 1. Rotates towards the peg
      • 2. Drives towards it for 1 second
      • 3. Put motors in reverse to stop robot
      • 4. sets motor values to 0 (no movement)
    • This is not 100% accurate, but it helps the robot go in an choppy arc towards the peg.


  • The battery velcro is weak, and when mikhail drives the battery flies out of the robot
  • When the robot gets too close to the gear peg it loses vision.
  • without automatic adjustment for driving, the robot sucks at going straight.
  • Turning small amounts (as needed when we rotate towards the peg) is choppy
  • We are running out of buttons for testing haha.
  • At the moment, the code is checking the camera values way too often.

Work for Next Meeting

  • Continue work on moving to the peg
    • At the moment, we are constantly checking distance values to see how far we are, but we need to do something like "rotate_to_gear" where it checks the value once and then moves to it
      • This might mean using encoders to see how far we have moved
  • confirm and order electrical bom for new robots
  • Work on auto mode that follows path, similar to one we'd need to get to a peg, test and see how consistently it can be navigated
  • Work on electrical organization for new robot.
  • Auto strafing based on position values from camera and network tables
  • Test out the NavX more, decide if it's a better gyro than our regular gyro, and what other features might be useful.
  • If not using NavX, do some testing with the gyro to see how far off the values are, seeing if it is possible to fix the inaccuracies...
  • Get streaming working well on raspi
    • Probably use custom python http server in vision_helper script
    • example http://answers.opencv.org/question/61070/streaming-http-server-from-inside-opencv2-python-script/
  • Get exposure control on driverstations (Needs Work)
    • works on linux, not windows

List from Mike (preventative measures):

  • Batteries
    • Battery Beak, logging and tracking internal resistance
      • Make a google spreadsheet to track battery data
      • Use computer to collect data/make a graph about voltage over time
    • Put meaningful labels on the batteries
    • Build load testing board
      • Resistors!
  • Power Distribution Panel
    • ​Can read voltage/current on every port
      • Could be used for diagnostics
  • Make a checklist
    • Learn how to read LED indicators on all components
    • Guidlines for checking wire integrity
    • Unit tests in robot code
      • Check to see if sensors are working?
      • Motors running correctly
      • Battery has enough voltage
      • Check the pneumatic pressure as well as solenoids
    • Useful for prematch/prebagging​
    • Voltimeter between the various locations
  • Sensors
    • Range finders - analog IO -> RIO (code)
    • Touch sensor - digital IO -> RIO (code)
  • Checkout Code // Comptetion Code
    • ​

On Schedule?
