
Note Viewer

Scouting 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/16/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Jay's Apartment

  • Jay S.


Anyone wanna help me out? :D

This stuff can be done by members without programming knowledge:

  • Have strategy discussions. How do we want to narrow our teams down? How can we design our Tableau worksheet?
  • Figure out logistics. 
    • Need to find everything we lost from last year, order stuff
      • Ethernet adapters that work with Mac and Windows
      • Large Batteries
      • Network Switches
      • Laptops
      • All the cables

Work Completed

  • Enabled Map on Feed Page to have selectable locations.
    • 4 Maps were needed because of the various ways our team could be situated, and which color alliance took which side of the field: 
      • Red on left, Scouting a red team
      • Red on left, Scouting a blue team
      • Blue on left, Scouting a red team
      • Blue on left, Scouting a blue team.


  • The maps needed multiple revisions to achieve maximum convenience for the user.
  • How do we measure the amount of balls were picked up from the ground?
    • We could use postprocessing. A script would traverse the stack of actions in a match and insert feed_from_ground actions when there is a discrepancy. For example, if the raw data looked like:
      • Shoot 50% --> 0%
      • Gear Feed
      • Gear Place Success
      • Shoot 50% --> 0%
    • the post-processed data would look like:
      • Shoot 50% --> 0%
      • Gear Feed
      • Gear Place Success
      • Ball Feed Floor 0% --> 50%
      • Shoot 50% --> 0%
    • If we did it this way, we can track how much they depend on floor balls vs hopper, loading lanes, etc

Work for Next Meeting

  • Add the rest of the fields
    • First, did the robot feed balls or gears and location?
      • If balls:
        • Percent of robot before and after
      • If gear
        • Success or Fail?
        • Was the gear dropped on the floor or into the robot itself? <-- We should reconsider, is this data point necessary?
  • Write JSON generation for feed, creation of action DOM element.
  • Figure out the Shoot and Other tabs
  • Create database, write backend conversion of JSON to database rows
    • Write postprocessing maybe?
  • Have strategy discussions. How do we want to narrow our teams down? How can we design our Tableau worksheet?
  • Figure out logistics. 
    • Need to find everything we lost from last year, order stuff
      • Ethernet adapters that work with Mac and Windows
      • Large Batteries
      • Network Switches
      • Laptops
      • All the cables

On Schedule?

Umm... theres alot to do. Maybe.