
Note Viewer

FIRSTStudio 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/18/2017

  • 4 hours

  • Jay's Apartment

  • Jay S.

Work Completed

  • Created login page
  • Factored out redux form to grommet bindings
    • https://www.npmjs.com/package/reduxform-grommet-bindings


Babel is annoying.

When exporting functions using ES7 syntax

     export default function(){} in A.js 

and then requiring it in index.js file to be exported 

     module.exports.A = require("./a"), in index.js

an object is returned so..

     module.exports.A = {default: function(){}}. in index.js

If this is in a module, however, we need module.exports.A to be that function, so the way around it is:

    module.exports.A = require("./a").default

Work for Next Meeting

  • Create local registration and login system
    • Figure out how to issue JWTs accross a domain, where to store it (cookie, cache, local storage)
    • Connect Passport.js
    • Finish Creating views
    • Create API for adding, modifying service permissions
  • Get back to fs-bom

On Schedule?
