
Note Viewer

CAD / Integration 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • 2/20/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Victoria K.


*solanoid values subject to change

Work Completed

Numbers correspond to the Challenges in section below

  1. Solution to bendy shafts: purchased/ordered steel (not yet arrived)
  2. PCMs were re-wired in series to correct the wiring issue and now they have unique IDs in the code, this fixed the randomness problem
    • new switch?
  3. Solenoid Values:*
    • ground feeder: plugged into ports 6 & 7 of PCM1
    • gear funnel: ports 0 & 1 of PCM2
    • gear lexan: ports 4 & 5 of PCM2
    • claw release: ports 6 & 7 of PCM2
    • gear punch: ports 2 & 3 of PCM2
  • drive train
    • shifters: ports 4 &5 of PCM1
    • omni. to traction: ports 2 & 3 of PCM1
    • strafing: ports 0 & 1 of PCM1

4. (incomplete)

5. fixed angle of piston actuated funnel with ziptie (JANKY!)


Numbers correspond to an issue and its solution

  1. Problem with feeder shaft and rollers: the top front shaft alumminum bends in the center from force of belts 
  2. there are two PCMs, both were wired parallel, code would give 1 ID b/w 2 PCMs, would fight for control, output was random
    • unknown: compressing cuts off at 110, not 120-worst problem: 10 PSI lower than wanted capacity
      • electrical switch is factory made and not tangible
  3. We needed to map the solenoid values of gear intake to programming code
    • map the code to wiring solanoids of claw release and lexan release and back up source
  4. Needed a button-control designated for for feeder of gear intake funnel
  5. piston actuated gear intake funnel gets stuck in one position

Work for Next Meeting

Numbers here corresponds to the Challenges in section above

4. needs to be coded and connected to controller

On Schedule?
