
Note Viewer

Electrical 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • 2/26/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Adam P.

Work Completed

  • Touchplate wiring fixed.  Microswitches need ground (black) and signal (white) run to RPi digital input, not ground and power (red).
  • Code now auto-ejects gear when touchplate is pressed.  Might need some minimum time/delay before retracting again.  Also seems to have mechanical issues... spring goes through and gets caught behind touchplate, also the gear ripped off one of the golf clubs somehow.
  • Ran power to RPi, replaced practice RPi with one that boots
  • Fixed bad ethernet cable leading from radio to network switch.  Power to switch from roboRIO USB is fine after all
  • Pressure gauge works again
  • Found two FirstChoice LED rings, work fine and don't need separate resistors.  We now have four full working rings, one is on comp bot in bag, other is on practice bot, need to mount one more on practice and decide what to bring for comp
  • If we can get the funnel camera to switch exposure on the fly, we could get by with 2 cameras instead of 3. Something to test when Isaac is back.
  • Ordered power cable for radio we stole off Jaw-Z
  • Also ordered scouting parts off BOM, and some pwm cables since we're out.



Work for Next Meeting

  • Make (more) sure the code works
    • In simulator, everything works except for the gear pneumatics which I could not test
      • The simulator cannot handle 2 Pneumatic Control Modules.  Code is fixed but no pyfrc release for it yet.
    • Make sure all pneumatic constants are correct
  • Continue work on moving to the peg
    • See how well it works if we have to drive then turn 30 degrees in the case that we do not get the middle starting position.
  • Work on auto mode that follows path, similar to one we'd need to get to a peg, test and see how consistently it can be navigated
  • Auto strafing based on position values from camera and network tables
  • Get streaming working well on raspi
    • Probably use custom python http server in vision_helper script
    • example http://answers.opencv.org/question/61070/streaming-http-server-from-inside-opencv2-python-script/
  • Get exposure control on driverstations (Needs Work)
    • works on linux, not windows
  • Try and connect to the frisbee bot

List from Mike (preventative measures):

  • Batteries
    • Battery Beak, logging and tracking internal resistance
      • Make a google spreadsheet to track battery data
      • Use computer to collect data/make a graph about voltage over time
    • Put meaningful labels on the batteries
    • Build load testing board
      • Resistors!
  • Power Distribution Panel
    • ​Can read voltage/current on every port
      • Could be used for diagnostics
  • Make a checklist
    • Learn how to read LED indicators on all components
    • Guidlines for checking wire integrity
    • Unit tests in robot code
      • Check to see if sensors are working?
      • Motors running correctly
      • Battery has enough voltage
      • Check the pneumatic pressure as well as solenoids
    • Useful for prematch/prebagging​
    • Voltimeter between the various locations
  • Sensors
    • Range finders - analog IO -> RIO (code)
    • Touch sensor - digital IO -> RIO (code)
  • Checkout Code // Comptetion Code
    • ​

On Schedule?
