
Note Viewer

Electrical 2017


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Adam P.

  • 3/4/2017

  • 3 hours

  • Shapland Shop

  • Alexandre G.


Isaac add notes pls - done

Work Completed

  • Wired LED ring for the gear camera
  • Made sure the raspberry pi was working
    • The switch seems to be broken, so Pi is currently plugged directly into the radio
  • Wrote code to drive forward the distance to the peg
  • rpi server stuff
    • tried to make complex server work
      • unsucessful
      • blaming gevents and monkey patching
    • optomized simpler server with opencv encoding method
      • ran great, much simpler and easier to understand
      • almost no lag at 240p
    • attempted to put grip pipeline into new simple server
      • no errors, ran fine
      • no time to test fully
      • I'm pretty sure it doesnt work (im Isaac)
  • Adam looked into Wing issue, it's not lost packets, just very high latency causing DS to mark them as lost packets.  No luck getting it to stop, does it on both old Wing we've been using and version 6.  WIll talk to Wingware guys again see if they have any other ideas.


  • The robot does not drive straight
  • There is some problem where gyro correction does not work when the robot starts driving straight
    • We should try to tune the constants used in gyro correction
    • If that doesnt work, we should do drive correction with the encoders

Work for Next Meeting

  • Fix straight driving
    • Gyro Constants need tuning
    • Drive correction with encoders
  • Continue testing/iteration on gear mechanism
  • pi
    • get the grip pipeline to run alongside the new python mpjg stream without incident
    • get networktables controlled exposure toggle
    • put new streams on smartdashboard
    • add support for 2 cameras
  • start auto behavior
    • See how well it works if we have to drive then turn 30 degrees in the case that we do not get the middle starting position.
  • Work on auto mode that follows path, similar to one we'd need to get to a peg, test and see how consistently it can be navigated
  • Auto strafing based on position values from camera and network tables
  • Get exposure control on driverstations (Needs Work)
    • works on linux, not windows
  • Try and connect to the frisbee bot

List from Mike (preventative measures):

  • Batteries
    • Battery Beak, logging and tracking internal resistance
      • Make a google spreadsheet to track battery data
      • Use computer to collect data/make a graph about voltage over time
    • Put meaningful labels on the batteries
    • Build load testing board
      • Resistors!
  • Power Distribution Panel
    • ​Can read voltage/current on every port
      • Could be used for diagnostics
  • Make a checklist
    • Learn how to read LED indicators on all components
    • Guidlines for checking wire integrity
    • Unit tests in robot code
      • Check to see if sensors are working?
      • Motors running correctly
      • Battery has enough voltage
      • Check the pneumatic pressure as well as solenoids
    • Useful for prematch/prebagging​
    • Voltimeter between the various locations
  • Sensors
    • Range finders - analog IO -> RIO (code)
    • Touch sensor - digital IO -> RIO (code)
  • Checkout Code // Comptetion Code
    • ​

On Schedule?
