
Note Viewer

Chairmans 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Jonathan L.

  • Stacy S.

  • 1/10/2018

  • 1.5 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Kyle G.


Other ideas people have or if I missed something please add it.

Work Completed

  • Layed out carpet
  • John organize jumpsuits and shirts along the east wall of the main room in the basement
  • John is going to make a list of Ctrl-Z branded items
    • things we thought of so far
      • sweatshirts
      • sweatpants
      • possibly lanyards
      • zip up sweatshirts
  • Talked to Stacy about what else we need to include
    • Thoughts
      • Everything Laura is doing
      • Illini robotics
      • SYRA 
      • Demos
      • and everything else
  • Asante and Kyle looked through last years chairman's book
    • think we thought to include this year + last years
      • More graphs and charts so judges can get information quicker
      • talked about making a new video
      • Talked about updating social media
      • Open sourced documents = need to make public on our websites resource page
        • SYRA curriculum
        • Scouting
        • FIRSTstudio
        • How to run a summer camp doc
        • handbook
        • brand book
        • Electrical guide 
        • mechanical guide if at all possible
        • Business plan
        • Sponsor plan
        • List of students on team from  STIMS
        • Newsletters
  • Kyle Talked about setting a theme for chairman around what woodie said in the kick off video about not over exaggerating everything.
  • talked about how we want to present ourselves to the judges and we all though professional in dress clothes was the best
  • Kyle talked about printing off the chairman's book at Staples
  • added a chairman's thread in slack so please look at it


  • Not enough time
  • a lot of things to get done
  • hard for everyone to get together at the same time
  • Need to make sure we are on the same page 

Work for Next Meeting

  • Asante is working on the brand book
  • Get the list from John for Ctrl-Z apperal + add anything else we think of 
  • New flag design
  • work out buisness plan
  • plan meetings
  • Get update about the mascot
  • design new pit
  • think of things to hand out at competiton to other teams
  • deversify where we get funding
  • Kyle needs to ask for letters of recomendation from teams and people
  • write essay
  • executice summary
  • update website
  • update social media
  • make demos more interactive
  • get SYRA planned
  • need to set deadlines
  • need to talk about State FLL problems 

On Schedule?

possibly, but probably not idk we really need to set deadlines

  • Chairman's information due: 2/8/2018
  • Order for Ctrl-Z Apparel due: TBD
  • Deadline to start practicing presentation: TBD
  • Deadline to have the new flag designed and ordered: TBD
  • Deadline to how Demos redesigned: before 1/27/2018
  • Deadline to have new pit designed and made: TBD
  • Deadline to have Chairmans book done: TBD
  • Deadline to have new video done: TBD
  • Deadline to have Website changes done: TBD
  • Competiton plans: TBD
  • Open source documents deadline: TBD
  • Deadline for mascot to be done: TBD
  • Social media update deadline: TBD