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Drivetrain 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Anna O.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/11/2018

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Anna O.

Work Completed

- Looked over parts needed for the robot (since basically none can be really found in the shop).

- Ordered some stuff on the Bom.

- Talked with Sarah over CAD design 

- Talked over whether we should prototype a drivetrain before making the two competition bots



- Seeing what is necesary to do before the competiton bot. Will we need a prototype? Where will electrical be? Where will the lifter and climber be?(These decsisions should be made soon but will take time with prototyping)

- Not enough material at the shop. We would have to buy most of it just to prototype something that we would build almost exactly later

Work for Next Meeting

communicate to other captains to see specifications for the drivetrain 

On Schedule?

On Schedule