
Note Viewer

Electrical 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • 1/14/2018

  • 4 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Armeen M.

Work Completed

  • Configured Limelight to track 2018 vision target.
  • Tested driver camera mode (no vision processing) on Limelight.
  • Configured SmartDashboard as default on 2018 DriverStation.
  • Read values from NetworkTables and printed them to SmartDashboard.
  • Asked mechanical team to clear carpet space.
  • Tested gyro (working) on Nona.
  • Committed and pushed code for Frisbee and Nona robots to GitHub.


  • Configuring the Limelight.
    • Random(?) reboots.

Work for Next Meeting

  • Start taping off field in basement, so we can write some autonomous paths for testing with Nona.
  • Attempt to align robot with vision target with Limelight (PID).
  • Continue stripping Jaw-Z and Poly2 of all useful parts.
  • Continue organizing basement.

On Schedule?
