
Note Viewer

Ramp 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Daniel M.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/18/2018

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Victoria K.


Solomia, Lili, Yichen, Bryn


the drawbridge protoype has been given to CAD people

Work Completed

  • started prototyping drawbridge deployment mechanism
    • how it works: 
      • c-bracket attached to piston (mounted somewhere in the robot) contracts and the c bracket pushes the ramp out of the robot and the ramp falls some distance until the slack in the rope runs out, then the ramp is lowered the rest of the way by motors unwiding the spool(s) of rope
        • c-bracket elimantes need for two pistons-1 that would push ramp out and 1 that would keep it in place, the c bracket does both, "the c bracket is like a pirate hook"
        • c- brakcet needs pivot point somewhere on robot, possible on top of T support structure
      • when other robots need to drive onto ramp, the motors let the rope slack to the floor so that it does not interfere with other team's robots 
      • then piston connected on underside of ramp is actuated and the ramp lifts the robot up 12 inches
        • spools of rope located on both or just one side of internal T structure or TT support structure
  • mounted 80-20 TT structure to table to act as support structure within the robot, mounted wooden stick at a 45 degree angle to table so give it more support 


  • not sure where to mount piston
  • one spool or two spools??

Work for Next Meeting

  • finish building drawbridge prototype
    • figure out if we want two spools, or just one
    • attach spool(s)
    • mount c bracket piston contraption to ramp and support structure
    • time the deployment duration
  • figure out what angle the ramp leans into the robot


On Schedule?
