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Drive Team 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Billy D.

  • 1/31/2018

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Billy D.


Written notes from the meeting are on the desk near the driver station - titled War Room #1 (1/31/18)

Work Completed

  Discussed goals for auto and tele-op performance at CIR. These goals are:

  • Auto:
    • From center (ideal position): Score 2 cubes on either switch side, intake a 3rd for drive team to chose placement of at start of tele-op
    • From side: Drive forward and place on scale or switch (in that order of priority) if on same side. No crossing over yet.
  • Tele-op:
    • Cycle Times:
      • Pyramid cube to vault - 5 seconds
      • Pyramid cube to scale - 7 seconds
      • Close platform zone cube to scale - 5 seconds
      • Opponent's platform zone cube to scale - 10 seconds
      • Far portal to scale - 12 seconds

We also identified some basic strategies for matches where we are equally matched or behind in scale ability. 

Equal/Scale advantage

        Prioritize scale up to a 2 cube buffer, then shift focus to our switch if we are falling behind. Otherwise, continue scale focus.

Scale disadvantage

        The best scale robot keeps as close as possible on the scale. Meanwhile, both partners flood the opposing switch from the portal cubes, then play heavy defense on opposing scale bot to divert their attention and give us time to catch up. Order of defense/flooding is an open question.

        If the ramps are completed and functional,  we want to be on the platform to deploy at the 30 seconds for safety, which would mean shifting focus to get there with 35-40 seconds left in the match. Opponents that cannot climb will be prioritizing keeping us and our partners away from the ramps, making every second of safety important. 


Unknown robot capabilities

Have not seen real matches yet, so all strategies are based on conjecture

Work for Next Meeting

Make sure Nolan is on the same page for strategies (Hi Nolan!)

Get robot functional ASAP to maximie practice time

On Schedule?

For now