
Note Viewer

Electrical 2018


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Adam P.

  • 3/3/2018

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Adam P.

Work Completed

  • Everything wired and tubed except:
    • Wires to elevator motors need better connectors, or just squeeze yellow ones a bit with pliers so they fit on tabs tightly
    • Elevator encoder needs to be plugged in
  • Fixed CAN ID issues
  • Imaged roborio, radio
  • Figured out our pneumatics base block is leaking



Work for Next Meeting

  • Pneumatics
    • Empty output ports in bottom of pneumatics solenoid block need to be plugged with tubing until real tubes are run to them.  Make little loops with tubing and run 1 end into each port on each solenoid pair.
    • Adjust flow valve to working pressure is ~60 psi
  • When above is done and it's holding pressure
    • Test DT shifters, make sure wheels turn when on blocks
    • Invert motor controller objects in code as needed
  • Fix connectors on elevator motors so they don't fall off.  Squeeze with pliers, replace with smaller ones, etc.
  • Plug in elevator encoder
  • Put something in OI to manually move elevator up/down at a very slow speed.  We need to be careful not to run this at max speed, it could break something.  Once basics are working we can carefully add a PID, but wait until Adam is around.
  • Finish up auto modes and test like crazy
  • SB stuff
    • Put latest SB as default launched dashboard for both DSs.
    • Test PID modifiers.
    • Theme it! (we can probably just modify the highlights on the default Material Dark design).
    • Create comp JSON layout.

On Schedule?
