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Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/6/2019

  • 4 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.

Work Completed

  • Had to edit limelight settings to correctly recognize the vision target (see yesterday's notes for details on the targets)
  • Began working on Poly to have it turn according to the location of a target (as of now, called LimeStop, and is a subclass of the Rotate_To_Angle command)
  • When that didn't work, we added a Rotate_To_90_Degrees command to Poly's code, creating it as a subclass of it's already existing Rotate_To_Angle command which was already set to use a PID loop to rotate to the specified angle
  • Rotate_To_90_Degrees did not work either
    • I believe that the gyro is not working because when I had the code print out values, it would print zero, no matter what angle I was at
    • Not sure if the gyro is just resetting itself in some spot in the code that I have not noticed yet or if the gyro is just not working
  • Helped hatch subteam with the pneumatic system on their first protoype
  • Determined what type of ferrule was needed so we could order the correct ones


  • Settings on LimeLight to correctly recognize the targets from a variety of angles and distances from the target were changed accidentally so it was not working for a while
  • Struggled learning and changing Poly 2017 code since none of us were around during that year and don't know much about it
  • As mentioned above, the Rotate_To_Angle based commands (Rotate_To_90_Degrees & LimeStop) were not working
    • Might be becauase gyro on Poly might not be working, but that is not for sure

Work for Next Meeting

MAIN GOAL: Drive robot towards vision target so the target is in view of limelight; then have robot drive to a specified distance and turn to a specified angle from the vision target (using a calibrated position and the tx & ty from the limelight)

  • Continue learning how to use limelight
    • Specifically learn what all of the different values on the network table are and how they can be used
    • Continue to look into the Limelight documentations
  • Determine if limelight can distinguish between the two separate targets 
    • Targets on the cargo ship could potentially both be view of the limelight at the same time, that could cause issues if is not set up to correctly identiy one pair of reflective strips
  • Determine what other tools and electronics we need for the next season
  • Make Robot 2019 code repository
  • Help other subteams

On Schedule?

I think so...