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Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sam K.

  • 1/8/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Sam K.

Work Completed

  • Imaged both of the new limelights --> 2019.2 firmware
  • Mounted and wired 2nd new limelight on Atlaz so that it could be imaged
  • Tried out the new settings on the updated firmware on the limelights on Atla-Z
    • Was able to differentiate between two targets very well
    • Would only recognize one target at a time, no more combinations of target's being recognized
  • Organized most of the KOP stuff and continued sorting electrical components into the "competition robot" and "practice robot" bins


  • Electrical folder in drive has two new important documents
    • 1. Semi-Autonomous goals --> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rqMu4K7OhKZgMAffEntnjSeZP25-G3-54dXHE_Is19c/edit
      • Goals for our semi-autonomous actions have begun to be outlined after talking to various subteams
      • Drivetrain: nothing special, just drive correction as usual
      • Hatch: hopefully vision (using limelight) that will align robot to the hatch panel; unsure about horizontal movement of hatch mechanism, will that require vision as well?
      • Climber: ideally, the entire process will occur with one press of a button after aligning
      • Cargo: nothing specifically mentioned by the subteam, but setpoints (similar to those on the elevator on Atla-Z) would be useful if it has a pivoting arm
    • 2. Electrical Components 2019 --> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R2yx9saHHgDUfedBxYLhBfqnmzZVNmzrEpc1qlQCOJc/edit#gid=243534005
      • Mechanical subteams, as they finish up prototypes and determine final designs in the next couple weeks, are expected to give detailed lists of what electronics they require
      • This is a spreadsheet for all of this to be documented on
      • Includes motors, motor controllers, encoders, limit switches, pneumatics, etc.


  • Poly, where the first of the new limelights is currently mounted, was not responsing well to driver input
    • There might be some sort of issue on the drivetrain
    • Could be due to our ziptieing of pieces of the drivetrain up so that they wouldn't drag
    • Something to look into in the next few days...
    • For now, the fix is to use the limelight on Atla-Z


  • Imaging takes about 15 years on the Limelight
  • Current large ferrules are garbage (aka they are too long so they must be cut before going into the connector --> new ferrules should not be as long)
  • Need more ferrules and 18 awg

Work for Next Meeting

LIMELIGHT VISION: Drive robot towards vision target so the target is in view of limelight; then have robot drive to a specified distance and turn to a specified angle from the vision target (using a calibrated position and the tx & ty from the limelight)

  • Continue learning how to use limelight
    • Specifically learn what all of the different values on the network table are and how they can be used
    • Continue to look into the Limelight documentations
  • Go to specified range from target (check case studies on limelight website & documentation)
  • Go to specified range and aim at target (again check case studies)



  • Research how the team could use line following sensors on the robot
  • Would be used to follow the white tape that is centered coming out from the spots where hatch panels are placed
  • Adam says that we probably have some sort of line follower in one of the boxes of electrical stuff so start there when testing anything!
  • Should line following be used instead of limelight vision in some places? Together with limelight vision? Or not at all this year?



  • Talk to other subteams and drivers to determine what semi-autonomous controls are desired --> need list of everything we wish to accomplish and order of priorities --> this has been started, but more work is definitely needed
    • Will need to finalize these after designs are finalized but should start to get an idea now
    • Then figure out what the best ways are to implement them
    • Encoders? Gyros? Limit Switches? Vision? Line Following? etc. etc.
  • Determine what other electrical components we need for the next season --> probably some motor controllers and such but how many? what type? etc.
  • Begin framework of 2019 robot code, and as soon as drivetrain is decided (ie. 3 mini-CIMs per side & encoders etc.) this code can be written
  • Help other subteams

On Schedule?
