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CAD & Integration 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Dina H.

  • Jonathan L.

  • Lawrence Z.

  • Nhan T.

  • Chris E.

  • 1/11/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Dina H.

Work Completed

We began assembly of the drivetrain. We decided on the gear ratios of within the drivetrain based on the requirement that we should be able to go about 14-15fps. Using the gearbox from the fall project as a model, we decided on three mini CIM motors. Using VPN Design Calculator, we tried gear ratios similar to the ones in the fall project, and found the following ratios: 1st stage --> 12:44     2nd stage --> 26:60. Next we CADed the plate that attaches to the motors for the gearbox. We wanted to come up with a design that was mostly linear (so it would take up as little vertical space as possible), allowing clearance for other components on the robot. We used dimensions on VexPro to help us design this part. After we finished the plate, we started the gearbox assembly, and was able to add on the motors, pinions, gears, and bearings onto the plate. 

CAD of the climber was also continued. Brackets and different parts were located online that we could use for the climber, and an extrusion that could hold a screw and a 775 pro was CADed. 


We were not able to finish the drivetrain today, which was the original plan. We got as much work as we could done, and plan to get the drivetrain complete by tomorrow. There were also some mating issues in the assembly of the climber but they were solved with the help of Chris.

Work for Next Meeting

Next meeting, we should finish the gearbox and complete assembly of the drivetrain.

On Schedule?

No, we were supposed to get the drivetrain CADed by today, but was not able to. We should get the CAD done by tomorrow.