
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • Shashank H.

  • Adam P.

  • 1/21/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.


Marlow, Malia

Work Completed

Line Tracker

  • Received 3 VEX Line Tracker sensors
  • Marlow made male-to-male PWM cables for trackers
  • Sam mounted them on wood support on front of AtlaZ
  • Sensors return analog values ranging from 120 to 4000 or so. Must be within 1/4" of carpet to get valid reading
  • Open air is 3800-4000.  Red carpet returns value of 3300 of so.  White gaffers tape lines have value of 120-300. 
  • Plan was to use vision to align and get robot closer to hatch target, then use line tracker to guide it rest of the way.  However, in testing Sam and I observed the limelight has a pretty good read on the targets until it's quite close. If we get that tuned well we may not need line trackers.


  • Adam started a basic "limelight" subsystem in AtlaZ. Sam copied it to 2019 AtlaZ repo

Atla-Z Gyro

  • After a lot of testing by Adam, Bryn, and the new CS mentor V, we determined that the gyro slot on the Roborio on Atla-Z is not working
  • Adam will call National Instruments when he has time to get this fixed or exchanged or something


  • Took Limelight and line trackers off of Atla-Z so drivers can use it tomorrow for driver practice
  • If the drivers want to use the limelight, they can add it back to Atla-Z but they won't be able to use the elevator while driving due to the setup
  • I believe that basic drivetrain code for 2019 robot is basically done but might need some work


  • Mounting line trackers < 1/4" from floor
  • Broken gyro pins/slot on Atla-Z Roborio

Work for Next Meeting

  1. Make list of all the general electrical components on the robot (FRC4096 --> 2018 - 2019 --> Build Season --> Electrical folder --> Electrical components)
  2. Begin wiring the DT1 once it is done being assembled by mechanical (should be sometime this coming week)
  3. Poly Work...
    • Attach limelight #2 to poly again (on the front)
    • Detach the climber set up and get Poly's shooter up and running again 
  4. Build a set-up to run a motor when testing and making prototypes [ <-- hold off on this, we ordered a motor tester - Adam ]
    • Zach suggests using a three way switch (on forwards, off, on reverse)
    • One side, the motor is plugged in (two smaller anderson connectors)
    • A battery is plugged into the other side (large anderson connector on the battery)
  5. Drivetrain Code
    • Continue working on robot.py, const.py, and oi.py, commands/drivetrain.py & subsystems/drivetrain.py
    • Add the limelight subsystem that Adam added to 2018 code
    • Goal is to be done by early next week when the drivetrain is supposed to be done
  6. Vision
    • Drive robot towards vision target so the target is in view of limelight; then have robot drive to a specified distance and turn to a specified angle from the vision target (using a calibrated position and the tx & ty from the limelight)
    • Get Rotate_To_Angle_Limelight command working on Poly again.  PID will need tuning.
    • Continue learning how to use limelight
      • Specifically learn what all of the different values on the network table are and how they can be used
      • Continue to look into the Limelight documentations
    • Go to specified range from target (check case studies on limelight website & documentation)
    • Go to specified range and aim at target (again check case studies)
  7. Talk to other subteams and drivers to determine what semi-autonomous controls are desired --> need list of everything we wish to accomplish and order of priorities --> this has been started, but more work is definitely needed
    • Will need to finalize these after designs are finalized but should start to get an idea now
    • Then figure out what the best ways are to implement them
    • Encoders? Gyros? Limit Switches? Vision? Line Following? etc. etc.

On Schedule?

so far