
Note Viewer

CAD & Integration 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Dina H.

  • Jonathan L.

  • Lawrence Z.

  • 1/28/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Dina H.

Work Completed

CAM for all faces of the climber cross brace was completed and the CAM for the climber pod was started. The final section of the arm for the cargo mechanism was also completed. The gusset for the climber was almost finished. 


With the CAD, we had trouble finding the machine with under job in HSMworks and we couldn't upload the custom tool library for the router's cutting bits. We were able to solve these problems by slacking Chris. We also encountered some aligning issues for the gusset but we were able to fix the dimensions and continue working on the piece. 

Work for Next Meeting

We should finish the CAM for the climber completely and work on getting the CAD for the hatch mechanism done. 

On Schedule?


(No, as the climber CAM was agreed on Sunday for a Monday 1/28 deadline. That would be today --MK)