
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • Shashank H.

  • Adam P.

  • 2/17/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.


& Vasista, Tori, Thomas, Eddy, etc.

Work Completed


  • Mounted and connected tubes to air tanks
  • Re-routed some of the pneumatics tubing 
  • Mounted and connected tubes to the sensor as well (connects to the RoboRIO)
  • Wired the other switch to the PCM


  • Mounted motor controllers (4 Victor SPXs) 
    • 1 for cargo arm
    • 1 for cargo intake
    • 1 for hatch
    • 1 for climber drive
  • Wired cargo arm, cargo intake, and hatch motor controllers to the PDP (but not to the motors yet since those arrive tomorrow)
  • Wired and mounted limelight
  • Made a plate that mounts on the side for the radio and ethernet switch
  • Mounted and wired the radio and ethernet switch
  • On DT2: mounted limit switches


  • Changed the names of some climber and hatch methods
    • Climber: up = robot moving up but screws going down; down = robot moving down but screws going up
    • Hatch: open = hold on to hatch; close = ready to intake a beak
  • Updated constants to match what is on the robot


  • Tried to run robot (EVERYTHING TURNED ON!!!)
  • Driver station was not getting coms even though the radio was connecting
  • Vasista tried to connect to the RoboRio --> he flashed it but I need more details to know what to do next


  • Wire on 775 motor came off... need to find a better solution
  • Some struggles to wire the limit switches so they gave up
  • Not enough room on this robot for everything...

Work for Next Meeting

  1. Pneumatics (comp bot)
    • Mount and connect tubes to the disk brake on the cargo arm
  2. Electrical System (comp bot), wire & mount...
    • CAN Bus
    • create IDs for CAN Bus on Phoenix Tuner thing
    • climber back wheels motor
    • hatch arm motor
    • cargo arm motor
    • the ultrasonic sensors
    • (and find a home for) the arduino
    • light sensors
    • string pot & regular pot
    • LEDs :)))
  3. Robot Code!!!
    • Talk to Marlow & Sam about buttons and controls for the robot (as of now climber and drivetrain is on 1; hatch and cargo is on 2
    • Get ready for testing soon :)))
    • Integrate ultrasonic sensors
    • Add code for limelight to drive to the hatch
    • Integrate line sensors to hatch pid
    • Single climber command
    • Cargo set points
  4. Wire electrical system & pneumatics of practice bot
  5. Continue the schematic for the electrical system using the schematic software stuff --> talk to Malia & Caden about this if you are interested 
  6. Line Followers & Arduino -> someone (who is not Bryn and is going to both competitions) needs to understand this and know how to debug it...
  7. Vision
    • Now that the gyro is working again, this should be worked on some more...
    • Drive robot towards vision target so the target is in view of limelight; then have robot drive to a specified distance and turn to a specified angle from the vision target (using a calibrated position and the tx & ty from the limelight)
    • Get Rotate_To_Angle_Limelight command working on Poly again.  PID will need tuning.
    • Continue learning how to use limelight
      • Specifically learn what all of the different values on the network table are and how they can be used
      • Continue to look into the Limelight documentations
    • Go to specified range from target (check case studies on limelight website & documentation)
    • Go to specified range and aim at target (again check case studies)

On Schedule?

Uh not really but that's okay :)