
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Shashank H.

  • 2/24/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.


& Charlie & Vasista & Steven

Work Completed

*A lot of other wiring has happened in the last few days, I forgot notes*

  • Wired some stuff
    • Two cargo motor controllers mounted and wired
    • Climber motor controllers mounted and wired (without the long cables that will go to the the PDP)
    • Cargo limit switch
    • Arduino and such
    • Soldered string pot
  • Some pneumatic stuff
  • Discussed code priorities (see work for the future)
  • Wired the light sensors that Chris had mounted on the lexan pieces


Uh so little time

Work for Next Meeting

  1. Wire electrical system & pneumatics of practice bot
    • MAKE SURE THE IDs ARE THE SAME ON BOTH ROBOTS --> check the spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17GQu66z5SQZDjkxUTRd0AfTn_jAJs-8UU49hEp-ha2M/edit#gid=0 
    • Mount radio and ethernet switch with wires. Switch needs power.
    • Finish pneumatic system
    • CAN Bus
    • Mount string pot on carriage
    • Sensor array needs to be mounted & wired to roborio. From Billy: 
      • For i2c, there is a 4 pin block on the rio with 5v, gnd, sda, and scl labeled. Those should be connected to the same pins on the mega. For power, we can do either a barrel jack with the ends plugged into the VRM (if we have any extra 5v/500mA spots available), or we can just run a usb cable to the rio
    • Mount & wire ultrasonics (Wed or Thurs after Chris makes mounts)
  2. Robot Code!!!
    • Talk to Marlow & Sam about buttons and controls for the robot (as of now climber and drivetrain is on 1; hatch and cargo is on 2
      • 1a. Hatch auto-alignment with lines
        • TO DO:
        • mount light array & arduino, finish code
        • mount string pontiometer
        • bang-bang controls
        • try first with points to center, etc. 
      • 1b. climber stils moving at the same speed
      • 2. cargo set points (all the way down, all the way up, etc.)
      • 3. 1 step climber process
      • 4. Drive to vision targets using limelights
    • Figure out this issue with buttons or constants bc it is perplexing
      • Cargo intake is running off of what I think should be running pistons so I'm confused still
  3. Continue the schematic for the electrical system using the schematic software stuff --> talk to Malia & Caden about this if you are interested


  1. Pneumatics (comp bot) --> Fix leak on hatch piston
  2. Comp Bot electrical system (TO DO AT COMP)
    • check if encoders are working
    • the ultrasonic sensors
    • arduino & light sensor array

On Schedule?

prolly not