
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Sam K.

  • Adam P.

  • 2/27/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.

Work Completed

  • Fixed cargo brake pneumatic issue --> wire on solenoid manifold was bad; it now works!
  • Got pot data for cargo arm and added math in code that takes the min and max voltages and ranges and determines multiplier and offset for pot --> 0 degrees is all the way down and 135 degrees is all thew way up
  • Added cargo safety check at home so we can't run it too low or too high using pot values so that is also ready to test
  • Discussed that the twitching robot issue is due to the watch dog turning on and off motor controllers for a split second when it doesn't get updated often enough
  • Earlier today, Adam wired the mega arduino so that is all good to go
  • Arduino is just sending the same value (12) across the i2c but at least it is sending something I guess


Cargo intake in general

Pneumatic issues

Breaking the hatch carriage...

The wiring in general is crazy

Work for Next Meeting


  1. Ethernet switch has power wires run to it but they don't work. I don't know why, someone needs to troubleshoot it. For now the limelight's ethernet is running right to the radio. - Adam
  2. Mount & wire ultrasonics (Wed or Thurs after Chris (or someone else) makes mounts)
  3. Second light sensor array+arduino+polycarb holder needs to be assembled. Parts are on computer table.



  1. Talk to Marlow & Sam about buttons and controls for the robot (as of now climber and drivetrain is on 1; hatch and cargo is on 2)
    • 1a. Hatch auto-alignment with lines
      • mount light array & arduino, finish code
      • Arduino is just sending the same value (12) across the i2c but at least it is sending something I guess
    • 1b. climber stils moving at the same speed
      • Discussed today to use positional pid
      • From Adam: 
        There's no overshoot or acceleration to speak of, so honestly PID is prob overkill for climber. You could just make a command that sets the front and back speeds to X, then monitors the encoder positions every call to execute.  If they differ more than some threshold value, lower the speed sent to the faster one by 10% or something.
    • 2. cargo set points (all the way down, all the way up, etc.)
      • Ready to test
    • 3. 1 step climber process
    • 4. Drive to vision targets using limelights



  1. Continue the schematic for the electrical system using the schematic software stuff --> talk to Malia & Caden about this if you are interested



  1. Pneumatics (comp bot)
    • Check regulator and be sure the flow direction is correct
    • Fix leak on hatch mechanism
    • Get cargo arm brake working
  2. Comp Bot electrical system (TO DO AT COMP)
    • check if encoders are working
    • change pot values
    • the ultrasonic sensors
    • arduino & light sensor array

On Schedule?

I mean no but are we ever?