
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • 3/12/2019

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Sam K.


good one

Work Completed

Redid can wiring and Constants in practice bot, removed the PCM B as it wasn't being used.

Measured distance for limelight for 12'' span, it came out to be 11. Created a mount.


Need to route wires to not be infront of the LimeLight.

Work for Next Meeting


  1. Finish packing up code, electrical, and pneumatic stuff that we need to bring to comp
  2. Continue the schematic for the electrical system using the schematic software stuff --> talk to Malia & Caden about this if you are interested


  1. Ethernet switch has power wires run to it but they don't work. I don't know why, someone needs to troubleshoot it. For now the limelight's ethernet is running right to the radio. - Adam
  2. Finish assumbling second light sensor array+arduino+polycarb holder, test to verify it works
  3. Take an hour or so and re-route all of the wires on the practice robot :)


  1. Test climber on hab and see how ultrasonics behave. If they aren't reliable we may need to switch to using current sensing for front, then read DT encoders for determining when to raise back
  2. Continue investigating overrun warnings. Try disabling LiveWindow telemetry, suggested by Dustin on CD. If that doesn't help do a full cProfile and post code/profile for him to look at
    • 1b. climber stils moving at the same speed
      • Discussed to use positional pid
      • From Adam: 
        There's no overshoot or acceleration to speak of, so honestly PID is prob overkill for climber. You could just make a command that sets the front and back speeds to X, then monitors the encoder positions every call to execute.  If they differ more than some threshold value, lower the speed sent to the faster one by 10% or something.
    • 3. 1 step climber process
    • 4. Drive to vision targets using limelights



  1. Pneumatics (comp bot)
    • Check regulator and be sure the flow direction is correct
    • Fix leak on hatch mechanism
    • Get cargo arm brake working
  2. Comp Bot electrical system (TO DO AT COMP)
    • Make sure all climber switches close as expected
    • Make sure 3d printed climber touchplates all touch switches as expected. Might need blots replaced by rivets.
    • Mount, connect and test line sensor array
    • check if encoders are working
    • change pot values
    • the ultrasonic sensors
    • arduino & light sensor array
  3. Code
    • calibrate line sensor array on field, update arduino code with that data
    • calibrate limelight thresholds on field

On Schedule?
