
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2019


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • Adam P.

  • 3/13/2019

  • 5 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Bryn G.


& Vasista & Zach & Charlie & Caden

Work Completed

  • Moved three climber motor controllers and hatch motor controller to the main part of the robot
    • so we no longer have CAN wire going up and down multiple times
    • just power wires going down the climber and eventually encoder wires
  • Made a plate with standoffs that holds these motor controllers that sits over the PDP... will probably just take this plate with us to competition to replace the comp bot one
  • Added cable carrier with power wires in the front of the bot but not in the back yet
    • Cable carrier broke already so it's probably not mounted well
  • Re-routed some wires on comp bot to make them neater but definitely still needs some work
  • Nolan made 1 and a half of the ribbon cable extensions out of 10 22awg wires for the talon SRX encoders --> still need to test them 
  • Fixed all of the poor tubing on the practice bot so they are now in the right places
  • Determined that Y-axis accel on robot would work for the climber tilting

From Adam: 

  • Replaced DS1 (dead screen, again) with ctrlz-9, former CAD laptop
  • Updated limelight with new image released today
  • Set up GRIP pipeline to mask off robot bits before it goes to LL filtering. LL doesn't like the GRIP file, emailed LL guy for help. Plan B is physical blinders instead, and not use GRIP.
  • As of Thurs. 03/14: "I emailed Greg, the main Limelight guy, about the problem we saw last night getting it to accept our GRIP pipeline.  He said it's due to a bug they introduced in the new image from earlier this week. They're going to upload a new one with the fix."


  • Pneumatics --> I should have labeled them to begin with so that's my bad
  • Cable carriers are also a pain

Work for Next Meeting

  1. Update all CAN Bus devices
  2. Test encoder wires
  3. Figure out climber sensing
  4. Hatch alignment
  5. Ethernet switch has power wires run to it but they don't work. I don't know why, someone needs to troubleshoot it. For now the limelight's ethernet is running right to the radio. - Adam
  6. Finish assumbling second light sensor array+arduino+polycarb holder, test to verify it works
  7. Take an hour or so and re-route all of the wires on the practice robot :)
  8. Continue the schematic for the electrical system using the schematic software stuff --> talk to Malia & Caden about this if you are interested


  1. Test climber on hab and see how ultrasonics behave. If they aren't reliable we may need to switch to using current sensing for front, then read DT encoders for determining when to raise back
  2. Continue investigating overrun warnings. Try disabling LiveWindow telemetry, suggested by Dustin on CD. If that doesn't help do a full cProfile and post code/profile for him to look at
    • 1a. New auto-align for the hatch because the light sensors were a pain at comp and don't fit well with the climber
      • Using limelight facing downward
        • With GRIP?
        • By putting tape over part of the lenses?
    • 1b. climber stils moving at the same speed
      • Using Y-Accel on bot to help with tilting?
      • Keep using the encoders?
      • More limit switches mounted differently?
    • 2. 1 step climber process
    • 3. Drive to vision targets using limelights

On Schedule?

Haha nope