
Note Viewer

Shooter 2020


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Edan E.

  • Gabe C.

  • James B.

  • Sam K.

  • Michal O.

  • 1/15/2020

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • James B.



Work Completed

  • began to route fingers, ran into issues with the router (addressed in Challenges)
  • modified, sliced and printed wheel hubs
  • Adjusted the shooter from the summer project to work with this years game balls.


  • The router would always plunge with T16 (long T4, blue and purple) even after recalibrating Z-heights
    • believe that this can be avoided by running the part with only T1 (requires CAM change which isn't an issue)


Work for Next Meeting

  • Determine which wheels to test and put them on the BOM along with other needed parts that aren't already in the shop!
  • Finish routing fingers for shooter prototype
  • Route side plates for the shooter
  • CAD, slice and print spacers for shooter
  • Assemble BB Sport gearbox
  • Assemble shooter (if above are finished)
  • Shooter from the summer project:
    • cut longer hex shaft
    • two shooting wheels in the middle with shaft collars
    • attach belt
    • start shooting - device some SAFETY steps first!!!!
    • adjust the angle and compression by re-positioning the polycarbonate hood (MEASURE and drill new holes), play with rpms, one wheel, two wheels, add weight (flywheel) etc. The balls are surprisingly sticky BTW.

On Schedule?

Yes, start shooting ASAP