
Note Viewer

Shooter 2020


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Anna O.

  • Caden R.

  • Charlie H.

  • Daniel M.

  • David S.

  • Edan E.

  • Elan P.

  • Gabe C.

  • James B.

  • Kevin L.

  • Marlow T.

  • Reese P.

  • Sam K.

  • Sarah H.

  • Stefania D.

  • Adam P.

  • Chris E.

  • Michal O.

  • 1/20/2020

  • 10 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • James B.


Teams are reporting that two things have the largest effect on their shooters being compression and hood material

Teams have found that the optimal amount of compression is ~2" and the hood material should be smooth so the ball slides instead of gripping the hood.

Work Completed

  • Wrapped wheel in safety wire
  • Tested several aspects of the shooter
    • Probably going to use 2" of compression
    • Probably going to use McMaster 60A Urethane (Fairlane) wheels
    • Probably not going to use "fingers" for the hood because the ball grips it, which decreases shot distance
  • Changed hood material from wood fingers to a .090 Lexan sheet which improved shot distance significantly
  • Waiting for Teflon tape and another wheel to arrive to continue testing
    • *Teflon tape has been reported to increase distance by ~10%
    • We will use a two-wheel set up (3 7/8" wide) on the final shooter to prevent the energy cells from "wrapping" around the shooter wheel
  • Shot from ~23ft and was pretty accurate, determined that the optimal angle is ~38 degrees (from 23 ft)
  • Determined that the speed that the ball is fed into the shooter has a decent effect on the shot because it affects how much momentum the shooter wheel retains, or in this case, loses


  • We have no clue how fast that wheel is spinning

Work for Next Meeting

  • Determine how fast the shooter wheel is spinning

On Schedule?

No, need another few days to smooth things out, mainly how to optimize distance