
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2020


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • David S.

  • Sam K.

  • 2/3/2020

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • David S.


V was here

Work Completed

We were thinking about using the Limelight and an encoder for the turret.

  • The encoder would keep track of the change in degrees of the turret (kinda like theta in polar coordinates)
  • For the shooter, I was thinking about having setpoints of certain speeds at certain places on the field.
    • Ex. closer to goal --> wheel can spin slower vs. farther away --> wheel has to spin faster
    • Would be in the code (rather than sensors)
  • We have enough encoders; don't need to order any


V and David worked with the Rev color sensor:

  • Plugged the color sensor into Saba-Z
    • Used 2020 package
  • After playing around, we were able to get the color sensor to correctly identify the blue, red, green, and yellow strips on the color wheel in the shop. The actual readings of each color isn't super accurate (ex. it reads more green than blue when shown the blue stripe), but we set each reading with it's corresponding color. 
  • We wrote this in Robot-2019 code using Driverstation 1 (new one)



Work for Next Meeting

  1. Further discuss the placement of the encoder. Currently, we're thinking about integrating it with the motor (under the turret contraption). However, backlash is a possible concern. We should ask Adam, Chris, and other mentors for their opinions. 

  2. Continue testing vision stuff

    1. Maybe move limelight from Frisbee to Octa?
    2. Create DT command to align the robot with the port target, using the limelight's "tx" value from NetworkTables
    3. See if we can get the limelight to tell us distance-to-target for setting shooter range/speed
    4. Until we have a working turret shooter to play with, we can continue working towards making the robot rotate to align to a target using shortest path, but also handle cable bundling we'll have on the turret.  Meaning the turret won't be able to spin > 360 degrees, it will need to rotate the other (long) way sometimes to keep slack on the cables. We haven't written PID code like that before, so something to explore.
  3. Get drivetrain sensors working again on Octa, start working towards autonomous stuff
    1. Create a drive command that moves robot straight X feet.  Drive correction can use either gyro or DT sensors, we've done both in the past codebases.

On Schedule?
