
Note Viewer

Assembly 2020


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Anna O.

  • 2/26/2020

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Sarah H.

Work Completed

intake, indexer (need the 3" 1/4 20 bolts and pins) I would say 99% assembled they need to be attached to the drivetrain, but need to wait for electrical until we are able to do that.

climber update: need to put the springs on the three 3d printed parts and put dowls and spacers in while waiting for the pieces to get routed. 

CAM and routing: looking at spread sheet two more things need to get cammed + 4ish parts routed.


router wasn't cooperating/ tried to route and it failed

Work for Next Meeting

  • If nothing else to do: Second gearbox set: assemble

- 3d parts climbers add the dowel + spacers + springs onto them

         -need the parts routed

- finish putting together indexer frame + put together climber rotation point assembly


On Schedule?
