
Note Viewer

Electrical & Code 2020


Note Info

Date & Time
Location & Author
  • Adam P.

  • 3/1/2020

  • 3 hours

  • Aquiferland

  • Adam P.


Lots of people present

Work Completed

  • Lots of stuff wired today
    • Breaker (re-done to have longer battery cable)
    • Roborio, radio, switch, all motor controllers
    • CAN wiring, starts at rio, goes through everything on bellypan, than terminates at PDP
    • Soldered 3 motors and 2 potentiometers on shooter
    • Mounted limelight, got power line started, plus half of ethernet cable crimped. Will do other end when umbilical is in place. Ethernet conductors order from left-to-right: brown, brown-white, green, green-white, blue, blue-white, orange, orange-white
  • Solenoids wired
  • CAN device IDs all assigned via CTRE Lifeboat app
  • Basic drivetrain code tested and working (on bench)
  • Pneumatics compoenents all mounted, mostly tubed/wired
  • Battery holder mounted
  • Drivetrain sensors wired
  • Updated Roborio with latest libraries
  • Imaged both Limelights with 2020.3


So much to do. 

Soldering motor pads is hard

Work for Next Meeting

  1. Finish pneumatics
    1. Solder extensions onto the wires coming from the solenoid block and connect them to the pcm
    2. ^ Put the port numbers into the layout spreadsheet
    3. Finish the main part of the pneumatics: high pressure still needs one gauge
    4. Attach all four pistons and a break pancake
    5. Mark tubing, A, B, piston intake, piston climber etc.
    6. ^ Leak test it
  2. Continue wiring

    1. Get linebreaker sensor mounted on turret, turret on robot

    2. Re-home turret pot so zero is in the desired place.

    3. Connect the climber motors to controllers

  3. Crank on robot code!  Turret code is going to need the most time

  4. Continue vision stuff & autonomous

  5. Until we have a working turret shooter to play with, we can continue working towards making the robot rotate to align to a target using shortest path, but also handle cable bundling we'll have on the turret.  Meaning the turret won't be able to spin > 360 degrees, it will need to rotate the other (long) way sometimes to keep slack on the cables. We haven't written PID code like that before, so something to explore.
  6. Continue following the trajectory tutorial. Pickup from just after the characterization tool.
  7. Work out a method of wiring upper turret electronics, something really clean/clever will have to be done to make it all work, as nearly 10 wires need to go up there, including ethernet.

On Schedule?